How is Fault for Injuries Proven in a Premises Liability Case?

When you visit another person’s property, whether public or private, the owner has a responsibility to maintain conditions that will keep you and others safe. Property owners who fail to meet this responsibility by ignoring the need to repair maintenance issues, not providing adequate security, or exhibiting negligence in some other form can legally be held liable for any injuries that occur as a result. Injury victims can recover compensation if a property owner is liable, but to prove their liability, evidence that exhibits their negligence must be presented. In a premises liability case, how can plaintiffs prove that their injuries were caused by the property owner’s negligence?

Evidence in a Premises Liability Case

In order to successfully secure compensation related to an injury, a plaintiff in a personal injury case needs to prove two things: They were injured, and their injuries were caused by another person’s negligence.

Proving the harm can be achieved with evidence such as photographs of an injury and medical records, but proving the cause of an injury can be slightly more difficult. Witness testimony and pictures can be reliable for proving fault in many cases, but those resources are not always available.

Fault in a premises liability case can be established with the help of evidence such as:

  • Security footage
  • Maintenance records
  • Previous complaints

In a premises liability case, it is possible that a property owner will attempt to hide the evidence of their negligence by fixing the issue that caused injury. It is important to act quickly following an injury to ensure your argument is strong. For assistance with your premises liability case, contact McHargue & Jones, LLC today.

Our firm is committed to helping injury victims secure the compensation they deserve. To discuss your case during a free consultation, call (312) 739-0000 or use our contact form to speak with our lawyers.